Do you wish to know the simple procedures for reprinting JAMB slips for the years 2024/2025 via the JAMB reprinting portal, when JAMB reprinting will begin, how to find out the date, time, and location of your JAMB CBT exam, or how to print your exam slip for this year? If yes, then sit tight and enjoy this article.
We’ll go over all you need to know about the JAMB reprinting portal 2024 and how to successfully reprint your exam slip so that you’ll know when you’re writing the UTME in this article.

JAMB reprinting of examination slip for 2024/2025 is currently ongoing.
For instructions on how to reprint JAMB Slip 2024/2025 and find out when your Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination will be taking place online using a phone, see the article below.
What is the JAMB UTME Registration Slip?
The printout you receive as soon as your registration for the JAMB UTME Examination is successful is the JAMB UTME Registration Slip. In addition to the candidate’s biographical information, this slip lists the colleges they chose to pursue a higher degree, a national diploma, or an innovative national diploma.
What is the JAMB Reprint 2024 Slip?
A slip sent to JAMB candidates seven days before the start of the UTME exam is known as the JAMB reprint of JAMB UTME Examination Slip. This slip includes the user’s biographical information, registration number, exam location, date, and time.
Is JAMB 2024/2025 slip reprinting Start?
Yes! JAMB Reprinting has Officially commenced.
Reprinting the JAMB slip 22024/2025 is easy. All you need to print your JAMB slip, which reflects your exam schedule, is your registration number. For the process, follow the steps below:
- STEP 1: Go to the JAMB UTME e-slip printing page at
- STEP 2: Enter your JAMB registration number or your email address or phone number in the appropriate fields.
- STEP 3: Finally, click the “Print Examination Slip” button to access your exam schedule.
- Reprint JAMB SLIP
Note: Please allow the JAMB site pop-up ( to appear from your browser.
How To Reprint JAMB Slip 2024/2025 Without Email
- Open the JAMB Reprint portal at
- Enter your JAMB registration number in the space provided.
- Finally, click PRINT EXAMINATION SLIP to find out the date, time, location and center of your UTME 2022 exam.
How To Reprint JAMB Slip Using Registration Number 2024/2025
- Open the JAMB Reprint portal at
- Enter your JAMB registration number in the space provided.
- Finally, click PRINT EXAMINATION SLIP to find out the date, time, location and center of your UTME 2024 exam.
FAQs about JAMB slip reprint 2024
What is JAMB slip reprint?
JAMB slip reprint is the process of printing out your examination slip which contains your exam date, time, venue, and other important details needed for the examination.
How can I reprint my JAMB slip?
You can reprint your JAMB slip by following the steps below;
- STEP 1: Go to the JAMB UTME e-slip printing page at
- STEP 2: Enter your JAMB registration number or your email address or phone number in the appropriate fields.
- STEP 3: Finally, click the “Print Examination Slip” button to access your exam schedule.
- Reprint JAMB SLIP
What do I need to reprint my JAMB slip?
You need your JAMB registration number, email address or phone number used during registration and an internet-enabled device.
Is JAMB slip reprinting compulsory?
Yes, it is compulsory to reprint your JAMB slip as it contains crucial information about your exam date, time, and venue.
Can I reprint my JAMB slip at a cyber cafe or computer center?
No, you cannot reprint your JAMB slip at any cyber cafe or computer center you must visit JAMB CBT centre to get it done.
How many times can I reprint my JAMB slip?
You can reprint your JAMB slip as many times as possible before the examination date.
What should I do if I can’t access my JAMB profile to reprint my slip?
If you are unable to access your JAMB profile to reprint your slip, you should contact the JAMB support center or visit the nearest JAMB office for assistance.
Can I Reprint JAMB Slip in a JAMB CBT Center?
In the JAMB-accredited CBT center, you can reprint your JAMB UTME Examination slip. All you need to do is supply the accurate information, and the JAMB slip will be made available to you.
Now check out the additional information you must not miss out.
Important Information about JAMB Reprint 2024 Slip
- Please pay attention to your JAMB Reprint 2024 and make sure you follow it.
- In any region, never pay more than N200 at a jamb-accredited location or cybercafé.
- Do not mistake your exam center, day, location, or time on your JAMB UTME Examination slip for any other.
- Make sure to go to your exam location early on the day of your exam.
- Don’t bring a calculator, smartwatch, or phone to your exam location.
- Please follow the instructions for the examination very carefully.
- Your results will be made available in batches beginning two days after the JAMB UTME exam begins.
If you have any questions, please use the comment section below to ask them. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. If you think this JAMB reprint 2024 article is informative, then help us by sharing it. Many people will be searching for this crucial info.
Recommended links;
- JAMB Registration Form 2024/2025
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