![UNIMAID Cut Off Mark 2024/2025 [JAMB & DEPARTMENTAL] UNIMAID Cut Off Mark 2024/2025 [JAMB & DEPARTMENTAL]](https://www.teezab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Screenshot_20220611-153059.jpg)
University of Maiduguri UNIMAID Cut Off Mark, UNIMAID Cut Off Mark for Electrical Engineering, UNIMAID Cut Off Mark for Architecture, UNIMAID Cut Off mark for Computer Science, UNIMAID Cut Off Mark for all courses, UNIMAID Jamb and Departmental Cut Off Mark for the 2024/2025 Academic Session.
Hello Friend! Today, we are going to be looking at the University of Maiduguri UNIMAID Cut Off Mark for the 2024/2025 academic session.
I’ll advise you not to skip any part of this post as every single section of this post is essential for you to know in order to become a bonafide student of the great University of Maiduguri UNIMAID.
Why is the need to know the Cut Off Mark of the school you are aspiring to study in? This is where most candidates begin to fail because they don’t know the requirements for the course they are aspiring to study in and that will make them prepare less for the exams. Take for instance a student who wants to study an engineering course but he or she doesn’t know the Cut Off mark for the course, I mean how will he/she know how much he/she needs to prepare for the exam in order to beat the Cut Off Mark as you all know that before one can gain admission into any Universities in Nigeria or any higher institution in Nigeria you must at the very least be able to score the exact Cut Off Mark for Jamb and your department Cut Off Mark or above the exact Cut Off Mark. That is the first criteria.
UNIMAID Cut Off Mark 2024/2025 for All Courses
This is to inform the general public that the authority of the University of Maiduguri UNIMAID has released the Cut Off Mark for both general and departmental Cut Off Mark for the 2024/2025 academic session.
So many questions are being asked by the aspirants of the University of Maiduguri UNIMAID online every day. Among the questions are:
- What is the UNIMAID Cut Off Mark for medicine and surgery for the 2024/2025 academic session
- What is the UNIMAID Cut Off Mark for nursing for the2024/2025 academic session
- Jamb Cut Off Mark
- UNIMAID General and Cut Off Mark for 2024/2025
- What is the University of Maiduguri Cut Off Mark for all courses for the 2024/2025 academic session and others.
If you are among those who are asking these questions, you are not alone and well you’ve found the right place to get your answer. TEEZAB will always give you the best information!
Without much further Ado, let’s move down to the University of Maiduguri Cut Off mark for the 2024/2025 academic session but before we go there, let’s quickly take a look at the meaning of the Cut Off mark and the difference between UNIMAID general Cut Off mark and Departmental Cut Off Mark 2024/2025.
UNIMAID Cut Off mark 2024/2025 [JAMB & Departmental]
Meaning of Cut Off Mark
What does the term “Cut Off mark” mean? A Cut Off mark is a score established by a specific institution as a criterion for admitting students to a particular department of study. This score is usually accredited to candidates based on their performance in a particular examination. However, students who have scored pretty much above the required Cut Off mark will be given admission and preferentially treated in the admission process above those who just scored the exact Cut Off mark.
University of Maiduguri General Cut Off Mark 2024/2025
This is the minimum score that a student must achieve to be admitted to a school. If your score falls below a school’s Cut Off mark, you won’t be able to register for their Post-UTME, which means you won’t be admitted to that school.
Each school is free to set its own Cut Off Mark. They are, however, unable to impose a Cut Off mark lower than the JAMB minimum.
University of Maiduguri Departmental Cut Off Mark 2024/2025
The departmental Cut Off mark is the minimum score required for admission to a school’s course or department. The more competitive the course, the higher the Cut Off Mark. Every year, each university sets a Cut Off mark for all courses. Some departments publish their departmental Cut Off marks, whereas others do not.
University of Maiduguri Cut Off mark 2024/2025 [Jamb & Departmental]
Candidates/Prospective students are hereby advised to check the Cut Off mark before proceeding to apply for the University of Maiduguri Post-UTME Screening Form. See the full details below.
UNIMAID General Cut Off Mark 2024/2025
For the 2024/2025 academic session, the general Cut Off Mark for all courses at the University of Maiduguri UNIMAID is 180.
So, every candidate that chose UNIMAID in their last Jamb is expected to score a minimum of 180 to be eligible to apply for the post utme form and have a chance to qualify for admission. Failure to score 180 is an automatic disqualification.
UNIMAID Departmental Cut Off mark 2024/2025
Below are the Cut Off mark for each course;
- 250 – Medicine
- 240 – Law
- 220 – Engineering (Mechanical, Chemical,Electrical,Civil,Computer, etc)
- 190 – Physical Science Courses (Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Physics, Computer Science, Geology, etc)
- 180 – Biological Sciences (Microbiology, Biochemistry, Anatomy,etc)
Note: The Cut Off mark varies depending on the performance of candidates who applied to study in the school for that year.
Let me give you a piece of advice! Do not set your target to only meet the Cut Off Mark, try as much as possible to beat it because there are some very competitive courses where scoring the exact Cut Off Mark won’t work! Courses like Engineering, Pharmacy, Nursing, Law, Accounting, Economics e.t.c. Hope you understand?
Recommended Links;
Search for UNIMAID information in the following links;
- All Nigerian Universities school fees
- All Nigerian Universities Cut Off mark
- All Nigerian Universities courses offered
- All Nigerian Universities Admission Requirements
- All Nigerian Universities post UTME form
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