![JAMB Syllabus For Geography 2024 [Read & Download PDF] JAMB Syllabus For Geography 2024/2025 [Read & Download PDF]](https://www.teezab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Jamb.jpg)
Are you participating in the 2024 UTME? If yes, then that means you are among those that are searching online for the 2024 JAMB Geography Syllabus for the UTME Examination! Many people keep searching online for the JAMB Syllabus for Geography.
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I believe you are a smart one and that is why you are searching for the JAMB 2024 Geography Syllabus for the UTME! So, be calm and read through!! Do not skip any part of this post as every single part of this post is essential for you to know if you wish to score high in this year’s UTME!
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JAMB Geography Syllabus for 2024/2025 UTME [Read & Download PDF]
This is to Inform the general public most especially those that are going to participate in the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination UTME that the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board JAMB has released the syllabus for Geography for the 2024 UTME.
Hope you’ve checked the Subject Combination for your course? If not, please scroll up and check! It is very important so as not to choose wrongly because it might later affect you!
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JAMB Geography Syllabus for 2024 UTME
Try to get to the bottom of this post to see the JAMB recommended Textbook for Geography! Get a Textbook and read! Also, try to make sure you practice JAMB Past Questions so as to familiarize yourself with the way JAMB sets questions! Hope you are noting those tips on how to get a high score in JAMB? YES! I know you are very smart!!!
JAMB Geography Syllabus 2024/2025 General Objectives
The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Geography is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:
- handle and interpret topographical maps, statistical data and diagrams, and basic field survey;
- demonstrate knowledge of man’s physical and human environment and how man lives and earns a living on earth surface with special reference to Nigeria and Africa;
- show understanding of the interrelationship between man and his environment;
- apply geographical concepts, skills, and principles to solving problems.
JAMB Geography Syllabus 2024/2025 for UTME Examination
- Scale and measurement distances, areas reduction and enlargement, directions,
- bearings and gradients with reference to topographical maps.
- Map reading and interpretation; drawing of cross profiles, recognition of intervisibility, recognition, and description of physical and human features and relationships as depicted on topographical maps.
- Interpretation of statistical data; maps and diagrams
- Elementary Surveying chain and prismatic, open and close traverse, procedure, problems, advantages, and disadvantages.
- The earth as a planet
- The earth in the solar system, rotation and revolution;
- The shape and size of the earth
- Latitudes and distances, longitudes and time;
- The structure of the earth (internal and external).
- Rocks
- Types and characteristics
- Modes of formation
- Uses of rocks
- Landforms
- processes; earth movements (faulting, folding, earthquakes, volcanicity),
- erosion, transportation and deposition.
- Modifying agents; water (surface and Underground) wind and sea waves;
- Types of landforms associated with the Processes and agents specified above (Karst topography, plains fold mountains, faulted landforms, volcanic mountains, deltas, river terraces, barchans seifs and zeugens).
- Water Bodies
- Oceans and seas (world distribution, salinity and uses);
- Ocean currents – types, distribution, causes and effects;
- Lakes – types, distribution and uses.
- Weather and Climate
- Concept of weather and climate
- Elements of weather and climate
- Factors controlling weather and climate (pressure, air, mass, altitude, continentality and winds);
- Classification of climate (Greek and Koppen).
- Major climate types (Koppen), their Characteristics and distribution.
- Measuring and recording weather parameters and instruments used.
- Vegetation
- Factors controlling growth of plants
- The concept of vegetation e.g. plant communities and succession
- Major types of vegetation, their characteristics and distribution,
- Impact of human activities on vegetation.
- Soils
- Definition and properties
- Factors and processes of formation
- Soil profiles
- Major tropical types, their characteristics, distribution and uses;
- Impact of human activities on soils.
- Environmental Resources;
- Types of resources (atmospheric, land, soil, Vegetation and minerals);
- The concept of renewable and non-renewable resources;
- Environmental interaction:
- Land ecosystem
- Environmental balance and human interaction
- Environmental: hazards
- Natural hazards (droughts, earth-quakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding)
- Man-induced (soil erosion, Deforestation, pollution, flooding Desertification)
- Effects, prevention and control of hazards.
- Population
- World population with particular reference to the Amazon Basin, N.E. U.S.A., India, Japan and the West Coast of Southern African.
- Characteristics – birth and death rates, ages/sex structure.
- Factors and pattern of population distribution;
- Factors and problems of population growth;
- Settlement with particular reference to Western Europe, Middle East and West Africa;
- Types and patterns: Rural and Urban, Dispersed, nucleated and linear;
- Rural settlement: classification, factors of growth and functions;
- Urban settlement – classification, factors for growth and functions.
- Problems of urban centres
- Interrelationship between rural and urban settlements.
- Selected economic activities
- Types of economic activities: primary, secondary and tertiary;
- Manufacturing industries, types, locational factors, distribution and socioeconomic importance and problems of industrialization in tropical Africa.
- Transportation and Communication types, roles in economic development and
- communication in tropical Africa.
- World trade-factors and pattern of world trade, major commodities (origin, routes and destinations).
A. Nigeria
- Broad outline
- Location, position, size, political division – (states) and peoples;
- Physical settling: geology, relief, landform, climate and drainage, vegetation and soils;
- Population: size, distribution, migration, (types, problems and effects);
- Natural Resources: types (minerals, soils, Water, vegetation etc) distribution, uses and Conservation;
- Agricultural Systems: the major crops produced, problems of agricultural development in Nigeria.
- Manufacturing Industries: factors of location, types of products, marketing and problems associated with manufacturing;
- Transportation and trade: modes of transportation and their relative
- advantages and disadvantages, regional and international trade.
- Geographical Regions of Nigeria
- Eastern Highlands;
- Eastern Scarpland;
- Northern Central Highland
- Western Highlands;
- Sokoto Plains;
- Niger-Benue trough;
- Cross River Basin;
- Southern CoastLand each region analysed under the following sub-headings: physical setting (relief,drainage etc) people, population and settlements, modes of exploitation of natural resources, transportation and problems of development.
B. The Rest of Africa:
- Africa on broad outline;
- Location, size, position, political settings (relief, drainage, climate type, Vegetation type etc).
- Distribution of major minerals
- Selected Topics
- Lumbering in equatorial Africa with particular reference to Cote d’voire (Ivory Coast) and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Irrigation Agriculture in the Nile and Niger Basin;
- Plantation Agriculture in West and East Africa
- Fruit Farming in the Mediterranean Regions of Africa.
- Mineral Exploitation
- Gold mining in South Africa
- Copper mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Crude oil production in Algeria and Libya
- Population Distribution in West Africa
- International Economic Cooperation in West Africa, e.g. ECOWAS
Jamb Geography Syllabus Recommended Textbook
- Adeleke, B.O. and Leong, G.C. (1999). Certificate Physical and Human Geography (West African Edition), Ibadan: Oxford.
- Bradshaw, M. name(s)? (2004). Contemporary World Regional Geography, New York: McGraw Hill
- Bunet, R.B and Okunrotifa, P.O. (1999). General Geography in Diagrams for West Africa, China: Longman. Collins New Secondary Atlas, Macmillan
- Fellman, D. name(s)? (2005). Introduction to Geography (Seventh Edition) New York: McGraw Hill
- Getis, A. name(s)? (2004). Introduction to Geography (Ninth Edition) New York: McGraw Hill
- Iloeje, N. P (1999). A New Geography of West Africa, Hong Kong: Longman
- Iloeje, N.P (1982). A New Geography of Nigeria (New Education), Hong Kong: London
- Nimaku, D.A. (2000). Map Reading of West Africa, Essex: Longman.
- Okunrotifa, P.O. and Michael S. (2000). A Regional Geography of Africa (New Edition), Essex: London.
- Udo, R.K (1970). Geographical Regions of Nigeria, London: Longman.
- Waugh, D. (1995). Geography an Integrated Approach (Second Edition), China: Nelson
- Wisdomline Pass at Once JAMB.
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