MTN Tariff plan 2024, How to migrate/activate, and benefits!

Hello, please, what is the time? Oh, the time is internet 0’Clock! Internet 0’Clock? Yes, internet 0’Clock!
To access any website or any file online, one must be connected to an internet service!
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an entity that offers Internet access and other related services to families, students, individuals, businesses, business enterprises, etc.
So, one of the best internet service providers in Nigeria is MTN!
MTN is one of the most popular telecommunications operators in Nigeria. You will agree with me that MTN Nigeria has become a household name in Nigeria. MTN as a telecommunications company has established itself as one of the best ISPs in the country.
The internet network provider is not only known throughout the country for offering cheap calling and data rates, but also offers fast 4G LTE broadband internet coverage in Nigeria.
In addition, the MTN 4G LTE Internet network has the ability to provide speeds of 100 Mbps or more, depending on the area or environment. That is, MTN is one of the fastest internet service providers you can trust in Nigeria.
So, are you looking for the best MTN Tariff plan? MTN Tariff plan code? Best MTN Tariff plan for data, how to check MTN Tariff plan? Cheapest MTN tariff plan? Cheapest MTN tariff plan for call?
Well, you are not alone! A lot of people search online for these questions daily! Worry not! I will provide answers to all these questions today! Teezab will always give you the best and right information!
I know you are probably in a hurry to know the different Tariff plan that MTN offers but don’t be in a hurry, keep calm and read through this article!
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I’ll advise you not to skip any part of this post if you are willing to know about MTN tariff plans so you can know which one suits you better!
MTN has numerous enticing tariffs that will give you a fantastic user experience. MTN tariff plans and their benefits. It is one of Nigeria’s leading mobile network operators. The network offers several tariff packages suitable for a particular set of people.
Here in this post, I will list all MTN tariff plan,features, benefits and also the code to migrate to them!
So, let’s kick start!
List of MTN tariff plan
- MTN Pulse
- XtraSpecial Prepaid
- mPulse
- XtraSpecial Postpaid
- MTN BetaTalk
- MTN XtraValue
- MTN XtraValue Carte
- MTN Awuf4U
- MTN YafunYafun
- MTN TruTalk
Is what you are looking for is cheap MTN data for browsing and low call rate? If yes, then I will advise you to go for MTN Pulse!
Majority of the youth are in this tariff plan as this tariff plan offers a cheap data plan which most youths are looking for! What are the amazing benefits of MTN Pulse and How to Migrate to MTN Pulse! READ MORE!
See How to activate/subscribe MTN Night Plan!
Do you have families or friends overseas? If yes, then that means you will be making international calls regularly! If you want to keep in touch with your families or Friends who stay overseas, then this plan is the best for you! The MTN XtraSpecial Prepaid tariff allows you to enjoy calls at a flat rate of 15.36 kobo per second to all networks in Nigeria and to eleven selected international countries from the first second. All you need to do is to add the countries they are in the eleven international countries MTN will allow you! Incredible benefits of XtraSpecial and How can you migrate to MTN XtraSpecial Tariff from another plan? READ MORE!
This plan is for the younger people! This mPulse tariff plan is created to empower students between the age of 9 and 15 years with access to resources they need to maximize their potential. READ MORE on the Benefits of MTN mPulse tariff plan and How to Migrate to the Tariff Plan!
MTN XtraSpecial Postpaid is a special plan that allows you to enjoy a FLAT rate of 13.33 kobo per second for MTN-to-MTN calls, MTN-to-Other networks, and 11 selected international destinations from the very first second.
MTN XtraSpecial Postpaid tariff plan does not attract a daily or monthly subscription or access fee. Benefits of XtraSpecial Postpaid Plan and how to migrate to MTN XtraSpecial Postpaid plan? READ MORE!
MTN BetaTalk is a prepaid tariff plan that rewards you with 300% airtime bonus and additional 200% Data bonus on EVERY recharge less than N100, you will get 20MB and above in addition to the 300% airtime bonus when you recharge from N100 and above. READ MORE on Benefits of MTN Beta talk and how to migrate to MTN BetaTalk!
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MTN XtraValue tariff Plan is a plan that rewards you with airtime for National SMS & calls, International calls to some selected destinations, and volumes of data for browsing after subscribing to any XtraValue Bundle plan.
XtraValue gives you two choices:
- XtraTalk
- XtraData
READ MORE on MTN XtraValue Tariff Plan!
MTN XtraValue Carte tariff plan, allows you the flexibility to mix and match your bundles from a rich bouquet of National, international, Roaming Voice & Data services to form a personalized bundle after subscribing to any XtraValue Carte bundles. All MTN Prepaid and Postpaid customers can activate the XtraValue Carte bundles. READ MORE on Benefits of XtraValue Carte and how to migrate to MTN XtraValue Carte!
MTN Awuf4U Tariff Plan is an offer that rewards you with a 500% airtime bonus on every recharge from N100 & above OR 350% on every recharge between N1 & N99. The five times offer is available to ALL MTN Prepaid and Postpaid customers. READ MORE!
MTN YafunYafun is a special tariff plan that rewards. New customers with lots of benefits after registering and activating a new SIM. One of its benefits is that you get 700% bonus on EVERY recharge of N100 and above: 400% of the bonus will be used for National Voice and SMS WHILE 300% of the bonus will be used for Data on all websites etc. READ MORE! How to migrate and benefits!
MTN TruTalk tariff plan is a prepaid tariff that allows you to enjoy a FLAT rate of 11.26kobo/sec for calls ACROSS ALL local Networks in Nigeria after paying a daily access fee of ₦7.17.
All MTN Prepaid customers can migrate to the MTN TruTalk. READ MORE on the Benefits of MTN TruTalk and how to migrate!
What Is The Best MTN Tariff Plan For Data?
The MTN Pulse, amongst other MTN Tariff plans, will be the best mtn tariff plan for data. On the MTN Pulse plan, users can get 750MB of data for as little as N300 which is valid for 3 days. If you want something higher, you can get 1.5GB of data for N500 with a validity period of one week. Another benefit of this tariff plan is the Campus Zone offer. With the campus zone offer, users in the campus zone location can enjoy free 100MB, 150MB, or 200MB data within specific higher institutions.
FAQs on MTN Tariff plan
What Is an MTN Tariff Plan?
An MTN tariff plan is basically a pricing plan that dictates how much you’ll be charged for making calls, sending SMS, or using data on the MTN network. Each plan comes with its own set of benefits and features designed to suit different needs and lifestyles.
How Do I Migrate to a New MTN Tariff Plan?
Migrating to a new MTN tariff plan is usually as simple as dialing a USSD code. Just find out the specific code for the plan you’re interested in, and dial it on your mobile phone. You should get a confirmation message saying you’ve successfully migrated.
Are There Any Charges for Changing My MTN Tariff Plan?
Most of the time, your first migration in a month is free. Subsequent migrations within the same month could attract a small fee, usually around N100.
What Are Some Popular MTN Tariff Plans?
There are several MTN tariff plans, each with its unique perks. Some popular ones include MTN Pulse, which is great for young folks who love social media; MTN XtraValue, which offers a blend of data and talktime; and MTN mPulse for teenagers, focused on educational benefits.
Can I Use My Bonus on All MTN Tariff Plans?
Not necessarily. Bonuses are often tied to specific plans. For example, some plans might offer you bonus airtime for local calls only, while others may give you bonus data that can be used for browsing. Always check the terms of your tariff plan to see how you can use your bonuses.
Is It Possible to Have Multiple Tariff Plans at Once?
No, you can only be on one MTN tariff plan at a time. If you migrate to a new plan, you automatically stop enjoying the benefits of the previous plan.
How Do I Know Which Tariff Plan I’m Currently On?
Easy peasy! Just dial a quick USSD code—usually *123#—and you’ll receive an SMS or a pop-up screen showing your current tariff plan.
How Do the MTN Tariff Plans Affect My Data Usage?
Well, different tariff plans have different data bonuses and charges. Some may offer you more data for less cost, while others may not be so generous. It’s a good idea to read up on the features of each plan to see how it aligns with your data needs.
Related Post:
- How to Migrate to MTN Pulse
- How to Migrate to MTN XtraSpecial Prepaid
- How to migrate to MTN Pulse
- How to migrate to MTN XtraSpecial Postpaid
- How to migrate to MTN BetaTalk
- How to migrate to MTN XtraValue
- How to migrate to MTN XtraValue Carte
- How to migrate to MTN Awuf4U
- How to Migrate to MTN YafunYafun
- How to migrate to MTN TruTalk
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