How do I change my Uniben Kofa Password?

How to change your uniben kofa password, how to reset your uniben kofa password, how to register for uniben kofa post utme form by Tiamiyu Abdulbazeet Olawale
How do I change my Uniben Kofa Password?
Password? We are all prone to forget at some point and that is why every app, every website gives us the avenue to be able to reset our password! We are not robots!
The truth is that we are not perfect as humans, which implies that we will make mistakes at some point in our lives. Many applicants want to modify or reset their Uniben Kofa password for a variety of reasons, including forgetting their password or seeing an erroneous password on the page.
How do I change my Uniben Kofa Password?
If you’re looking for information on how to change your Uniben Kofa password, you’ve come to the correct place because we strive to provide accurate information and instructions to our readers.
Submit your username or email address below to reset your password. If they can locate you in the database, they will send you an email with information on how to regain access.
So, the question now is how do you reset your uniben kofa password?
How Can I Change My Uniben Kofa Password
Follow the easy step-by-step guidelines below to change your uniben Kofa Password;
Note that you have to follow the steps below carefully if you want to successfully change your Uniben Kofa Password. Do not skip any part!
- go to for more information.
- Fill up the blanks with your last name, which is also your surname.
- Enter your matriculation or registration number.
- Please provide your email address.
- Then, on the blue button you saw, click it.
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Note that:
- Your child’s student record will be searched, and temporary login credentials will be emailed to the email address provided above.
- To continue, you must input the Kofa-stored email address of the parent. You’ll only be able to see specific info after logging in.
- You will be unable to make changes to your data, register for courses, or make payments. For a period of ten minutes, the login credentials will be valid. You will be automatically logged out after this time has passed.
How to Register For Uniben Post Utme Registration | Uniben kofa
Before beginning the application process, candidates should ensure that they have a valid email account. For first-time applicants, follow the steps below:
- Visit for further information.
- Select WAEUP PORTAL from the Student Portal drop-down menu.
- Select UNIBEN ADMISSION SCREENING 2020/2021 from the Applicants drop-down menu.
- To continue, go to the top left of the displayed page and click Register for application.
- Enter your surname and JAMB registration number exactly as they appear on your JAMB registration slip. Your ID and Password will be displayed on the browser right away.
- Back On the website, select ‘Login’ from the drop-down menu (top right of the front page).
- To log in, enter your username and password.
- Please click on ‘Application record’ to begin the application process and enter all essential information.
- To pay for the application, go to the bottom of the page and click “Add online payment ticket,” then go to the top left corner of the page and click “Pay with Remita,” then follow the instructions to pay the N 2,000.00 application fee with a valid ATM-Enabled Card from any Commercial Bank in Nigeria.
- Before submitting your application online, double-check your information. (After the deadline, no corrections will be considered.)
- Return to the website on the scheduled date to print the acknowledgment slip with your unique screening schedule.
Check UNIBEN Admission List For 2024/2025
- Login to the UNIBEN admission status checking portal at
- Enter your Jamb Registration Number or Applicant Id and Surname in the space provided.
- Click on Submit button to see your admission status.
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I’m a newly admitted student in uniben . I just got admitted last year. I can’t find my kofa password so logging in is impossible for me. Is there any way to get it resent to my email?
Kindly re-read this post and follow the steps written in it!
Please how do I change the email on my waeup platform? I am an old student who graduated in 2012 and I don’t remember the email I used or the password for waeup and I would like to see my academic records. Please help, thank you
I want to convert my password from ase To B11 what should I do